
The finger joint cutter makes lots of advantages for woodworking process. The set has a couple of advantages over a regular saw blade or a dado cutter. First, it reduces tear out. And, second, it produces a flat surface at the top of the cut. Dado sets often create a less-than-square surface at the top of the cut, resulting in small gaps even after clamping.

With this assembly, you can cut one-finger through five-fingers in multiple passes. Both cuts are performed the same way; you simply turn over the counter-cut for a perfect fit (see diagrams). All cutters feature 'chip breakers' behind each cutting tooth which limits the thickness of the chip, allowing for a safer cut. Assembly includes 5 individual finger joint cutters, 1/2" shank arbor, 1 straight cutter, ball bearing guide, shims, spacers, washers and complete illustrated instructions.

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